Good Interview (Knock, Knock) Susan: Hi you must be Terri Utermohlen. Terri: Yes I am and you must be Susan. Susan: Yes Susan Smith. Terri: Oh. Susan: Yes office manager here. Terri: I brought another copy of my resume for you. Susan: Oh wonderful. We can have a seat right over here. Terri: Thanks. Susan: There's a chair just in front of you. Terri: Okay thank you very much. Susan: And I believe that you're here for the regional manager consultant position, is that correct? Terri: Yes. Susan: Wonderful. Did you have a hard time getting here this morning or finding my office or anything? Terri: No. Susan: Great. Terri: No, your directions were great. Susan: Oh well good. So how did you hear about this position? Terri: I saw a posting on the web actually. Susan: Oh, okay. Can you tell me a little bit about yourself and why you’re interested in working for our company? Terri: Well I'm interested in working for your company because it is very similar to what I did in California before I moved East. And I really liked that job and felt that I was an asset to the company. This, what you do here parallels what I did there. And I thought you would be a good fit for me. Susan: Great. How long did you work for the previous company. Terri: Five years. Susan: Oh okay and I take it your new the area. Terri: Yeah my husband just got a job actually last month. It was such an opportunity and something he's been wanting to do for years and so we had to take it and now I'm looking for a job. Susan: Right. Transplanting yourself across country and all that kind of stuff. Terri: Yeah. Susan: Well let me tell you a little bit about the position we have available. What you would be doing is taking some incoming phone calls regarding our office supplies that we have in inventory here and answering questions regarding how the technology works, how the software works. So there'd be a lot of interaction between you and the customers that you serve. You would basically handle all the contracts or customers in a one-state area and that could total about ten different contracts. So ten different companies and most of the companies have one to two people that do their ordering for them so that's kind of the way it works. Does that sound okay to you? Terri: Oh yeah, it's very similar to what I was doing and I checked out your website and from what I can tell your stock is very similar to what we used. Susan: Oh okay. So your already familiar with a lot of the products that we have here. Terri: I think so, yes, from the website I'd say I probably know 90% of what I saw there was stuff that I was pretty familiar with so there may be a few things that I'd need a little bit of direction before I teach it to someone else. Susan: Okay and that shouldn’t be a problem we can provide you with some training on any of the equipment that you are unsure of or unfamiliar with, so that shouldn't be a problem. Susan: I'm looking at your resume here and it looks like you've got a lot of the skills and abilities that we were looking for as well as like you said a lot of experience. Knowing the responsibilities of this job and now that we've talked a little bit about the position. What would you say are your assets or the strengths that you bring to this position? Terri: Well I have a lot of experience working with people, a lot of experience working with technology, because this is very similar to what I've been doing I think that I could accommodate my disability pretty easily. I might need to talk to you, if you hire me, I might need to talk to you about what software you use and find out what the best way to get around that is. I have a pretty strong knowledge of your inventory, extensive experience doing training, I write well (atleast I think I do, (laughing)), and I think this is an interesting field because the equipment we us is so varying. Susan: That sounds great. You mentioned that you've done some training before in the past and that is something that we're looking for. Someone that has some experience doing training and could potentially train, you know whether it's new employees or just the customers we are working with on the equipment that they are selling. Can you tell us a little bit about what types of training you've done in the past? Terri: Primarily I've done computer use training. Starting with people who don't know what a floppy disk was or how to tear a computer apart and teaching them basic word processing. How to handle the system, how to get creative with the system and essentially how to make it do what you want it to do. That's the lion's share of what I've been doing. Again presentations like sales marketing presentations or contacting people for a company, and things like that. But most of the training I've done has been computer learning. Susan: Well it sounds like that is probably the hardest training to do, so that's wonderful that you've got some experience with that. Terri: I just think that it's a lot of fun. When you take somebody who is afraid of this hunk of medal and get them to the point you know that by the end of a couple of weeks they are feeling comfortable writing letters, or feeling comfortable doing what they need to do. It's really fun because they get really excited about it. Susan: Yeah I find it very rewarding as well. To get somebody from that scared to touch the computer to wow look I'm emailing my friends, my coworkers, it's amazing to see the learning at first. Terri: Web research, people love being able to shop online. Susan: Oh yeah. Terri: People who have been afraid of the technology. Susan: It can get kind of dangerous for some people. Terri: It has for me I can tell you that. Susan: Well it sounds like you've got a lot of the skills and qualities like I said that we are looking for and I'd really like to talk with my supervisor a little bit more about you and maybe give you a call back. He might be interested in bringing you back in for a second interview with him. Terri: That would be great. Susan: That would be wonderful. So I will definitely be giving you a call later this week. Is that okay? Terri: Oh yeah, that would be fine. All my contact information and my email address are on my resume. Susan: Okay. Well thanks for coming in. Terri: Thanks a lot. Very nice meeting you. Susan: It's nice meeting you also.