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RRTC Webcast - Complimentary Registration

Live video presentations using your computer!

Liz Getzel

Date: June 5, Time: 2:00 - 2:45 pm ET
VCU Mentoring Matters!
A Business Mentor Program that Works
Presenter: Elizabeth Getzel, VCU

VCU's Liz Getzel will be joined by mentors from the business community along with college students to share how this mentoring program is impacting the career experiences and employment outcomes of college students with disabilities. Hear directly from these program participants to find out how mentors and students were paired and what strategies have proven most effective.

Register for this Complimentary RRTC Webcast

RRTC Product Now Available

Vocational IndexMeasuring Social Integration of Workers with Disabilities- $19.95

The purpose of this book is to present a procedure for measuring integration. We have developed this procedure over the last few years based on our work in supported employment, the opinions of individuals with disabilities, and input from employment specialists and other professionals.

The Vocational Integration Index is the first instrument that is designed to assess how integrated individuals with disabilities are in their employment situations. The index consists of a job scale and a consumer scale. It can assist with determining the opportunities available for integration at a particular job site, as well as the level of integration experienced by an individual who is working in a particular employment setting. Order this Manual Online $19.95

T-TAP Fact Sheet

T-TAP Fact SheetCustomized Employment Q & A: Assisting Adults with Intellectual Disabilities and Their Families

Federal and state policies have promoted a shift away from segregated day programs for people with disabilities towards employment in integrated settings. This fact sheet explores why adults with disabilities choose to attend sheltered workshops and how this situation can be changed.
Read the T-TAP Fact Sheet

CRP-RCEP Webcast

Corey Smith
Corey Smith

Date: June 12, Time: 2:00 - 2:45 pm ET
Customized Self Employment
Presenter: Corey Smith

Corey Smith, Director of Employment Supports, Via of Lehigh Valley Entrepreneurship as a career choice is an important employment option for individuals with disabilities. Self-employment can provide a customized job overcoming barriers to traditional employment such as greater flexibility and income opportunities. Also discussed will be resource ownership. Using this strategy, an individual purchases equipment or property that he or she brings as a "resource" to a paid job in the community. Case studies providing strategies and issues of planning and starting a business will be shared as well as examples of resource ownership. Register for this webcast or view the entire CRP Series

Start Up-USA - Successful Entrepreneurs

Kevin WebbKevin Webb's Story

Owning a business that was customized for Kevin gives him the opportunity to do what he likes to, which is operating Webb and Taylor Horseback Riding and Boarding. In the morning, seven days a week, Kevin gets up bright and early, puts on his blue jeans and boots and starts his workday. First, he feeds and waters the boarded horses. Then, he is off on his green utility mule to feed and water the horses in the field. Read More of Kevin's Story

Start-Up-USA is funded by a cooperative agreement (# E-9-4-6-0111) from the U.S. Department of Labor, Office of Disability Employment Policy.